Himalayan Cat - The Cat Stories

Himalayan Cat

Thursday, April 29, 2010

CatDog Cartoon Show

Himalayan cat

Himalayan Cat - Hey guys..have you ever watching catdong cartoon show?? This cartoon is all about the aadventures of hybrid cat and dog. The cat is more dominant than the dog. If you guys have a time, you should watch this show. Very entertaining and I am happy to watch it..


  1. Hiya! I haven't seen that in the UK, but I'll have a look on Youtube in case it's there.

    Thanks for your lovely comment, I've told the lovely people at the cat blogosphere about you, http://www.blog.catblogosphere.com/ so hopefully you should get some more cats popping over to say hello today?

  2. No, we've never seen that cartoon. But we live in the US. Sounds neat, though.

  3. I've never seen it, but everyone knows that cats are the more dominant in intelligence! MOL

    Please feel free to come by and visit anytime.

  4. Hi Freya..Thanks for visiting..really love your cheetah cat..sooooo cute and adorable..

    oh i thought the catdog show available in US and UK..but you guys shud check it out at youtube..i really like the show..


Himalayan Cat